The Deal is Clear!!!

Today, The National Congress Party(NCP) in Sudan  managed to pass National security bill in the parliament. It was a mechanical vote, because the 2005 agreement gave NCP majority in Parliament by which it managed to pass this law today.
The SPLM MPs did not boycott the session but they voted against the bill, while  MPs for Northern opposition parties walk out of the session.
The main issue in the bill that generating a lot of concerns among many Sudanese is the right of security forces to arrest individuals and keep them in custody for a maximum period of four months. This obliviously contradict 2005 peace agreement which stated that the Security forces task is to gather intelligence and provide them to authorities.
This seems to be the deal which NCP and SPLM agreed upon recently after demonstrations. The NCP offered SPLM to agree for  its demand regarding referendum bill while SPLM does not boycott the National Security Bill so it would have some sort of legitimacy.
The big loser here are Northern opposition parities, let’s see what they will do the coming days.
National security bill

Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars (African Issues)
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