Hard Decisions
Here is an interesting article I found in “Alsudani”(arabic) news paper discussing the issue of Southern Sudan separation. It presents the views of some Southern Sudanese living in North Sudan . I used Google Translation tool, it is good to some extend. The article highlights some of the points I made in my previous post. Southerners in Khartoum show enthusiasm for the idea of separation News - Local News Sunday, December 27th, 2009 07:15 A few days before a crucial vote on the law on the referendum on the independence of southern Sudan due in 2011, showing many of the southern Sudanese enthusiasm for the idea of secession of their region, even if this possibility, some worry. Sabir Azzriha (21 years) expressed his confusion. he is a student in engineering and his father, who belongs to the north and his mother to the South, says he may decide not to belong only to one party in the event of the division of the country. "It seems it's like to put a foot here an...