Access to Health

One of the great issues that occupied the imagination of health care workers, health policymakers, and as well as a politician is equal access to health. This means wherever you are, ideally, you should have the same access to at least the basic health care. What is basic healthcare? That is a discussion for another time. However, we should not mix accessibility with affordability as these are two different concepts. There are different metrics to measure access to health but today I want to discuss two metrics in particular.


The first one is the health facility density by state. It measures the number of health facilities per 100,000 population. It is a crude way to measure and compare the availability of care facilities in a certain geographical location. This includes all type of facilities private or publicly owned.

Source: OCHA Sudan



As you can see from the graph, the Northern state has the most Basic health units and Hospitals compared to its population despite that quarter of basic health units are closed.  When you look at the Health centres, The River Nile State takes the first spot with more than 15 hospitals per 100,000 population. Khartoum has only more than 5 for 100,000 population.  However, I would regard these numbers with caution as I do not know on average, how long does it take to reach a health facility.

Al-Jazirah State has the highest number of basic health units in total (480 units, ratio 10 - 15/100,000) while East Darfur has only 32 Basic Health Unit (ratio 1.8 - 5/100,000).


In Summary, when it comes to access to health care facilities, The northern region of Sudan seems like have it all if you are just looking at the numbers. Also, from just looking at the numbers, Khartoum state and East Darfur have the same ratio of Basic Health Units. If you believe in equal health access, how these numbers are going to affect the health policy you won't pursue to achieve equal access?


Next, let’s have a look at the distribution of health care worker distribution between Sudan’s States.  


[Number and distribution of health facilities per 10,000 population — MEASURE Evaluation](

[Sudan | Situation Reports](


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