Charlie, Who?

My five year old girl started school this July for the first time. I have to say I was more existed about her starting school than her. I still remember my first day going to school, I was so upset that I am leaving my pre-school class and moving to a place where I know no one. I even cried and refused to go, but after the first day everything went fine. This is why I was so interested to see my little girl reaction to leaving her pre-school and moving to a real school.

I picked up her up the first day, teacher did not have anything to report, my kid was not crying, so I assumed everything went fine. I was so wrong. The second day the picture was different, she was not crying but she was upset, the usual smile on her face was not there. When I asked her what is wrong? she said she was sent to the cloud!!! I did not understand what she was referring to, and whether this is good or bad thing? she also kept saying that a boy has been mean to her, he would not let Charlie go home with her! Charlie? who is Charlie? My daughter speaks so fast that I sometime do not understand what is she saying!

When I picked her up on the third day of her first week in school she was again upset. The teacher explained to me that she is upset because she would not take Charlie with her home. I could not pretend anymore that I know who's the hell is Charlie! so asked the teacher, "Who is Charlie? she was upset the other day and kept blaming herself for Charlie not going home with her, Who is Charlie?"

The teacher finally explain it to me. Charlie is a teddy bear which goes home with kid who behaved the most in class and have a sleep over. The thing has a diary where parents write down how the sleep over was and pass it from one kid to another. And if you misbehave in the class not only you would not be taking Charlie for sleep over, you get to spent time under the clouds in the class, which is a spot where teacher send naughty kids. I picked her up on the fourth day of her first week, I became obsessed with Charlie, looking out if my kid will come out carrying Charlie or not. unfortunately she came out empty handed, and upset as usual, I told her that she is a good girl and one day she will bring Charlie home for a sleep over.

On Friday, her last day of her first week, I did not pick her up, my wife did. My daughter was so good today so she get to bring Charlie home and keeping for the whole weekend. She was so happy, taking him with her everywhere including the toilet. I took the following picture so we can write in Charlie's diary book.

Since that week, whenever she return from school, I ask her was she sent to the clouds today? she tells me she is good girl, but that kid was sent today because he was talking during class, or that girl was sent gain to the cloud because she drew on the class walls. I kept asking her about the cloud daily, I even started to predict who is being naughty today. Kids and their little adventures.


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