Read my lips

BEIJING, CHINA - JUNE 29:  Sudan's President O...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
In the last two days president Bashir told the world that he is not going to run for re-election. It is not the first time he say so but no one believes him for very simple fact which is the ICC. The only protection against the ICC at present is his position. most Sudanese are not inditing Bashir but they are against inditing the president of Sudan. The moment he put one foot outside that area he will lose the sympathy and the support from Sudanese people. He has no choice but to stay in power. 
It is kind of play. He declares he would not run for president, then his party and some others will cry out asking him to consider the future of the country and its security and that people of Sudan need him. It is the same play Jamal Abdul Nasser did when he resigned after shameful defeat by the Israelis. His party already started to play down the president statement. 

Bashir is going no where, and he would not run for president because there would not be any elections. I am sure he is say to his defences minister "The more the merrier"
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