
Showing posts from December, 2010

No time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity in Sudan

  LiveJournal Tags: Sudan , South Sudan , NCP , Sharia law , Bashir , SPLM , Khartoum , referendum.   My worst fears are materialising! The above sentence belong to president Bashir in a speech broadcast on the national TV on Sunday (related links) Bashir believes that  after the separation of south Sudan the issues of cultural and ethnical diversity become irrelevant. The official language of the country is going to be Arabic and state religion is, and only, Islam. similar statements were made by second man and hard liner Dr. Nafi. These kind of statements just show what are the real objectives of the NCP from the beginning, NCP was not aiming for peace and unity of Sudan as a state but rather the implementation of its ideological agendas in the first place and everything else come second to that even if this lead to the fragmentation of the country. The conflict in Darfur has nothing to do with religion  (both sides are Muslims)but has everything...